So, getting my things together. I don't know if I'm on schedule or not, but I think I am. Have forgotten to check it.
Either way, I finally got a way to take measurements of the stage. I got my not-principal's (They call him "Artistical Leader" instead)copy of the blueprint of the stage. God do I feel awesome. It's only top-down view though, so I had to ask him about the height. He guessed 10 - 11 meters, and from floor and up it should be 1 - 1.5 meters.
Either way, I'm actually measuring right now and will write down the sizes here.
Full Width: 17 meters (+2 meters due to lines and stuff being in the way)
Full Depth: 11.5 meters (-1.5 metres at front due to the orchestra ditch)
"Window" width: 11 meters (window means the part of the stage that's actually see-able from the audience).
Pants Width: 8.5 meters (width between pants in a standard set-up)
Floor height: 10.5 meters
Stage height: 1.2 meters (guesstimating floor and stage height)
In addition, two of the walls are diagonal. The left wall from front is 1.5 meters shorter at the back compared to the front. The back wall is 1 meter deeper at the left compared to the rigth.
So, in short:
Width: Full - Min. Stuff- Window - Pants
19 17 11 8.5
Depth: Full - Min. Ditch
11.5 10
Height: Roof - Stage
10.5 1.2
Well, enough of that for now. Let's go to the bad news.
I've filed my request for money. Waited a few days. No answer, contacted her and she hadn't checked her box yet. Also due to some new rules, it's no longer the principal who are going to handle those. Apparently it's another teacher, the one in charge of the project course. My principal said she'd give it to her. Waited a few days, asked the other teacher, she hadn't received them yet. Today I'm gonna mail the principal and she what has happened.
Well, I could just as well crunch some numbers regarding scale. The miniatures are 32mm in scale according to the company themself. Did a quick search for miniature model scale and a 32mm mini is 1:57.2 in scale. So 1cm equals to 57.2cm in real life. A mini is 3.2cm in height, meaning that in real life they'd be 3.2x57.2 = 183 cm. Ehh, a little too large for your common person. I'm gonna change it a little. 32mm would be closer to 1:54 in scale, making the minis 173cm in real life. A fine, average height.
That means the formula to get the right number for the scale would be by dividing by 54, or Size / 54 = Model. To control-check, I'm pressing in 173 / 54 on my calculator. It says 3.2. I'm happy.
Now, if we run the numbers on those measurements I took...
For easier to read, I'm adding a few zeros to get in in cm instead.
Width: Full - Min. Stuff - Window - Pants
1900 1700 1100 850
Width: Full - Min. Stuff - Window - Pants
35.2 31.5 20.4 15.7
Depth: Full - Min. Ditch
1150 1000
Depth: Full - Min. Ditch
21.3 18.5
Height: Roof - Stage
1050 120
Height: Roof - Stage
19.5 2.2
Whew, that was a mouthful!
I can honestly say though that I'm satisfied with these numbers and myself after this.
And that concludes the update for today... Now to send some mails to my principal regarding the application for money!
Edit: Well, oops. It seems my numbers are slightly wrong, as I measured a Infinity figure recently. She stands to 35mm, not 32, making a big difference. I don't know if Malifaux figures are as tall... but I believe they are. I will have to ask someone with an actual Malifaux figure of their actual height so that I may change my measurements appropriately. I noticed this whilst marking out lines for what was supposed to be the floor... it simply looked to small.